03-29-2014, 11:56 AM
If you've found your way here, you are probably involved in an extra-marital affair, considering becoming involved, or getting over the ending of one.
As you read the different threads here you'll get to know some of us and realise that no 2 EMRs are the same. One common theme comes through over and over again though - we choose to be in these relationships.
I chose to be an OW. I entered into an EMR with a married man knowing full well he had no intention of leaving his wife.
Sometimes it hurts like hell and I wish I'd never done it, but it was my choice - it is noone else's responsibility or fault.
That doesn't make me a bad person or a victim. I'm just a person with free will who chose to enter into a relationship with a married man and fell in love with him.
Its not always easy - it may be a cliche but we talk about the "rollercoaster" for good reason. On less-good days I try to remind myself that I chose this, and that the good times and feelings way outweigh the difficult ones (for now anyway).
If or when our R ends, it may end badly. Maybe I'll feel betrayed, like I've been thrown under the bus, or maybe I will have chosen to walk away. However messy it gets, however much it hurts though, I do know it can never change what we have now - this amazing, fun, loving relationship I chose to be part of.
And I know that I will be able to call on this amazing group of people to help me through it
You've landed in a safe, supportive space here - Welcome to our forum!
As you read the different threads here you'll get to know some of us and realise that no 2 EMRs are the same. One common theme comes through over and over again though - we choose to be in these relationships.
I chose to be an OW. I entered into an EMR with a married man knowing full well he had no intention of leaving his wife.
Sometimes it hurts like hell and I wish I'd never done it, but it was my choice - it is noone else's responsibility or fault.
That doesn't make me a bad person or a victim. I'm just a person with free will who chose to enter into a relationship with a married man and fell in love with him.
Its not always easy - it may be a cliche but we talk about the "rollercoaster" for good reason. On less-good days I try to remind myself that I chose this, and that the good times and feelings way outweigh the difficult ones (for now anyway).
If or when our R ends, it may end badly. Maybe I'll feel betrayed, like I've been thrown under the bus, or maybe I will have chosen to walk away. However messy it gets, however much it hurts though, I do know it can never change what we have now - this amazing, fun, loving relationship I chose to be part of.
And I know that I will be able to call on this amazing group of people to help me through it
You've landed in a safe, supportive space here - Welcome to our forum!
Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose ~ CS Lewis