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Here you can discuss various topics concerning being in an extramarital relationship:

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Gush about your loved one
Cry when it's over
Understand yourself and your loved one better
Contemplate the pros and cons of your relationship
Understand common patterns in extramarital relationships
Get support during the transition to a relationship out in the open
Much more...

If you've found your way here, you are probably involved in an extra-marital affair, considering becoming involved, or getting over the ending of one.
As you read the different threads here you'll get to know some of us and realise that no 2 EMRs are the same. One common theme comes through over and over again though - we choose to be in these relationships.

I chose to be an OW. I entered into an EMR with a married man knowing full well he had no intention of leaving his wife.
Sometimes it hurts like hell and I wish I'd never done it, but it was my choice - it is noone else's responsibility or fault.
That doesn't make me a bad person or a victim. I'm just a person with free will who chose to enter into a relationship with a married man and fell in love with him.

Its not always easy - it may be a cliche but we talk about the "rollercoaster" for good reason. On less-good days I try to remind myself that I chose this, and that the good times and feelings way outweigh the difficult ones (for now anyway).
If or when our R ends, it may end badly. Maybe I'll feel betrayed, like I've been thrown under the bus, or maybe I will have chosen to walk away. However messy it gets, however much it hurts though, I do know it can never change what we have now - this amazing, fun, loving relationship I chose to be part of.
And I know that I will be able to call on this amazing group of people to help me through it Smile

You've landed in a safe, supportive space here - Welcome to our forum!
Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose ~ CS Lewis

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Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this website are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local emergency number or a counselor nearby.

Statement of Purpose

We strive to be a sounding board and a support system while you figure out what YOU want. We'll share our opinions and experiences - but in the end, the decision rests solely with you.

       True Support